
Aurican possessed an Engineering Technology Research Center of Building Window & Door Components of Guangdong Province. It established product testing center with complete equipments, which are capable of testing friction stay, handle, pulley and other products in accordance with the international industrial standards. Specific testing standard includes:
1. Life cycling testing, negative pressure and sealing testing of friction stay. The friction stay passed the test of:
1.1. USA AAMA904-09
1.2. UK BS6375-2:2009
1.3. Europe EN13126-6
1.4. Singapore SS212:2007 & HDB
1.5. Hong Kong BS6375-2:2009 & SS212:2007
1.6. China JG/T127-2007(The drafter of national standards)
2. Life cycling test and negative pressure test for handle
3. Life cycling test for pulley
4. Product salty spray test
5. Universal test for pull and bending of the products.

6. Impact force test for plastic part.

The testing center of Guangdong Aurican Hardware Technology Co., Ltd. is affiliated to Guangdong Aurican Hardware Technology Co., Ltd.The testing center was accredited by China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) in February 2021, certificate number : CNAS L14332, which demonstrates that Aurican Testing Center is incomply with CNAS-CLO1 Accreditation Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories and equipped the technical ability to carry out testing services in accordance with the internationally recognized standards.It is a milestone that the testing capability and quality management system of Aurican Testing Center has stepped onto a new level, with a new platform and a new height. 

Aurican Testing Center gathers series of the mechanical and physical performance testing for building window & door hardware friction hinges, support arm and metal materials. The verified testing ability includes 4 testing objects and 23 testing items. There are 7 staffs in the testing center, including 1 senior engineer, 1 doctor, and 5 personnel with junior college degree or above, all of which are equipped with many years of technical testing experience and have participated in the drafting and verification of a number of construction industry standards. Aurican Testing Center possesses stainless steel friction hinge testing machine, electronic universal tensile machine, Rockwell hardness tester, precision salt spray testing machine, electronic analysis scale testing equipment and etc, which fully meet the approved testing capacity in the range of testing items. 

We take this CNAS accreditation as a new starting, continue to strengthen and improve the laboratory management, constantly improve the level of testing ability, create a high-level laboratory, better help the company's professional, global layout development.


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